



的 Department of 哲学 offers a curriculum leading to a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree. Candidates for the degree must successfully complete the University requirement of a minimum of 124 hours of credit, 包括通识教育课程, two years or the equivalent of a foreign language (if the student chooses to pursue the bachelor of arts degree), 以及bc菠菜导航的要求. 这个学位不需要辅修.


的 department sponsors a very active student organization, 的 Great Ideas Discussion Group. 的 department also has a Spring Lecture Series featuring presentations by faculty from around the country on a wide range of controversial topics. 的 大学, in consultation with the departments, assigns each student a faculty academic advisor. Majors and minors in the Department of 哲学 are encouraged to maintain good contact with their advisor, and are expected to work with their advisor prior to registration each semester. 学生 who do so are more likely to meet their goals and achieve academic success.
学生 can find their assigned advisor by consulting the 大学, the department, or their DARS.


请查看 正式课程时间表 对于即将到来的学期. 哲学bc菠菜导航四年计划.pdf

的 bc菠菜导航目录 这份授权文件是否适用于所有学生. 的 requirements given in the catalog supersede information issued by any academic department, 程序, 大学, 或学校. 大学保留随时更改要求的权利.



需要哲学: 105或405-3小时.; 330—3 hrs.; 333 or
401 - 3小时.; 335—3 hrs.

选修哲学: 18个小时的选修课, provided that no more than 6 hours of 100 or 200-level courses are used for the total 30 hours required for the major. Three hours may come from outside the department with the approval of the advisor and chairperson.


需要哲学: 105 - 3小时.
选修课(15学时): 九个 其中小时数必须在300/400级别. 作为标准辅修课程的替代品, 包括18个小时的哲学课程, 学生可以选择
两个选项. 的se options will be selected by the student with the approval of the advisor or the chairperson from the following areas: (1) ethics or (2) cognitive science.

105 - 3小时.
选修课程(15学时)(至少6学时): 201 - 3小时.; 302—3 hrs.; 303—3 hrs.; 306—3 hrs.; 316—3 hrs.; 325—3 hrs.; 401 - 3小时.; 430—3 hrs. 或490-3小时.
认可选修课(最多9小时): 新闻350-3小时.; Military Science 401 - 3小时.; or any course in which more than half of the material is devoted to the study of normative ethical issues or theories, 如教学大纲所示, subject to the approval of the Department of 哲学 advisor and Chairperson.

需要哲学: 105 - 3小时.
选修课程(15学时)(至少6学时): 323 - 3小时.; 424—3 hrs.; 430—3 hrs. 或490-3小时.
认可选修课(最多9小时): 管理信息系统110-3小时. 或计算机科学151-3小时.; 心理学 101—3 hrs., 2013hrs.344-3 HRS.*, 356-3小时.*; or any course in which more than half of the material is devoted to the study of cognitive science or some specific area of philosophy of mind/psychology, 如教学大纲所示, subject to the approval of the Department of 哲学 advisor and Chairperson.



哲学的本质及其一些问题, 比如:我们是怎么知道的, 人与自然, 个人与社会, 宗教信仰, 现实的本质, 哲学与生活的关系. General Education Credits [GE89: C3; GE2000: Literary, 艺术, 及哲学研究(选修课)

第105课:逻辑导论- 3小时 

批判性思维,正确推理的原则. 谬误的发现和避免, 积极倾听, 从观察中区分推论, 识别的假设, 识别和使用演绎和归纳. General Education Credits [GE89: A3; GE2000: Scientific and Mathematical Studies-Elective]


This course introduces some classical philosophical theories by using Star Trek episodes to illustrate such issues as ethics, 其他思想的问题, 时间的本质, 现实vs。. 错觉. General Education Credits [GE89: C3; GE2000: Literary, 艺术, 及哲学研究(选修课)

201:道德与美好生活- 3小时 

是非问题的本质. Moral values and judgments; responsibility and freedom; the relativity of values, 良心, 和幸福. General Education Credits [GE89: B3; GE2000 Social and Behavioral Studies-Foundational.]

204:美学导论- 3小时

艺术代表性理论. Special topics concerning aesthetic 经验, defining art, and aesthetic value. 通识教育学分[GE89: B1],C2; GE2000: Literary, 艺术, 及哲学研究(选修课)


Understanding how writers have imagined and represented human 经验s through the study of recurrent themes in literature. General Education Credits [GE89: C3; GE2000: Literary, 艺术, 哲学研究——文学与人生]

253:环境伦理- 3小时

对动物解放等问题的讨论和伦理考虑, 尊重自然, 土地伦理, 生态女权主义, 社会生态学和基督教生态学, 以及关于素食主义的实际应用, 全球变暖, 激进的环保行动, 经济增长与环境质量. General Education Credits [GE2000: Literary, 艺术, 及哲学研究(选修课)

注意: 一门哲学课程或导师同意是先决条件

302:医学伦理学- 3小时

医学伦理学和生命伦理学的基本问题和理论, 包括堕胎等问题, 安乐死, 保密, 人格和死亡的标准, 患者和卫生保健提供者的权利和义务, 以及价值判断在医学中的作用.

303:伦理与动物- 3小时

Basic problems and theories related to the moral status of animals and actions and policies which involve them, including issues such as criteria for 人格; speciesism; the nature of interests and rights; and the use of animals for food, 研究, 以及其他目的.

306:商业道德- 3小时 

分析商业伦理的基本问题和观点. 主题包括:道德与法律的关系, 经济正义, 商业系统的道德基础, 道德相对主义与跨国公司, 员工的权利, 广告伦理, 环境, 反歧视行动, 性骚扰, 多样性, 企业社会责任, 在其他主题中.

313:宗教哲学- 3小时

宗教的基本问题和哲学意义理论, 包括信仰与理性的关系等问题, 上帝的存在, 以及宗教语言的含义.


政治哲学中的若干问题和理论. 阅读将从古典和当代的来源,如.g., Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Machiavelli, Marx, Rawls, and Nozick, among others.


Examining literary and artistic responses to the issues that shape public life locally and globally. General Education Credits [GE89: C3; GE2000: Literary, 艺术, 哲学研究——文学与人生]

心理学哲学- 3小时

关于心理和心理过程本质的不同理论. An introduction through classical and contemporary texts to the problems of dualism, 唯物主义, 意识, 人格, 和意向性.


法学基本理论分析,包括自然法理论, 法律实证主义, 法律现实主义. Philosophers to be discussed include Aquinas, Austin, Hart, and Dworkin, among others.


的 beginning of Greek philosophy as scientific speculation or religious development. 柏拉图和亚里士多德是古代哲学的巅峰.


Development of philosophy in the Middle Ages, including Augustine and Aquinas. 先决条件:330

现代哲学1 - 3小时

近代早期理性主义与经验主义的发展, 包括笛卡尔, 洛克, 加州大学伯克利分校, 休谟, 康德.


Development of German idealism in the later modern period, including Kant.


Study and discussion of Oriental thought, including Hinduism, 佛教, and 道教.

343:存在主义- 3小时

Discussion and analysis of the main philosophers in the existentialist tradition including readings from philosophers such as Kierkegaard, 尼采, 加缪, 萨特, 海德格尔, 和其他人.


Major philosophers in the twentieth century development of philosophical analysis, 比如弗雷格, 罗素, 维特根斯坦, 和奎因.

*401:伦理理论- 3小时 

集中研究选定的伦理理论. 问题可能包括伦理知识的可能性和性质, “对”和“好”的意思,以及伦理话语的逻辑.

*404:美学理论- 3小时

Examination of the concepts involved in the interpretation and evaluation of works of art. 的 nature of aesthetic 经验, the definition of art, creativity, and the value of art.

*405:符号逻辑- 3小时

对现代逻辑几个重要分支的考察, 包括真函数逻辑和定量逻辑.


对科学的哲学考察, 包括诸如因果关系之类的话题, 法律, 假设, 测量, 感应, 和确认. 前提条件:一门哲学课程或导师同意. General Education Credits [GE89: A3; GE2000: Scientific and Mathematical Studies-Elective]

*418:玄学- 3小时

关于现实本质及其组成主题的替代理论, 比如精神和物质, 物质, 因果关系, 共性, 空间和时间, 自由与必然, and related questions about the function and possibility of such theories.

*420:理论知识- 3小时

关于知识的起源、性质和可能性的不同理论. An introduction through classical and contemporary texts to the problems of perception, 经验, 推理, 逻辑推理, 先验知识, 可测试性, 和前提.

*424:心智,机器和认知- 3小时

An in-depth survey of the emerging field of cognitive science and artificial intelligence with an emphasis on topics such as mental representation, 思维的计算方法, 以及视觉感知. 的 course examines answers to questions such as “Could a machine think or be conscious?” and “Can the human mind be understood as an information processing computer?”

*430:研讨会- 3小时

对问题、哲学家、时期或运动的深入研究. 可以在课程内容改变的情况下重修以获得学分吗.

*490:哲学独立学习- 1-3小时

安排有关哲学主题的文献和咨询. 是否可以在独立学习项目的变化中重复获得学分.


190:宗教导论- 3小时

宗教学术研究导论, 涉及定义, 探索主题的方法, 并分析具有代表性的话题或问题. 通识教育学分[GE89: C1],D1,E1; GE2000: Literary, 艺术, 及哲学研究(选修课)

250:世界宗教- 3小时

思想体系, 经典的著作, 以及印度教的制度表达, 佛教, 儒家思想, 道教, 犹太教, 基督教, 和伊斯兰教. 通识教育学分[GE89: D1],E2; GE2000: Multicultural Studies-国际 Cultures] *Open to graduate students. 研究生被要求做额外的研究性质的工作.