


Every multidisciplinary studies major must complete a “多学科研究 Concentration Proposal Form” and submit it to Interdisciplinary Programs (HH 291) within one semester of admission to the program. When you declare the major it should be one of the first things you begin to work on.

Every 多学科研究 degree is a little bit different from every other multidisciplinary studies degree. The function of your proposal is to determine what exactly is YOUR degree going to be like. 你的建议有两个主要部分:a 目的陈述书 和一个 课程一览表. 这两个部分打算一起工作, 应该很明显地契合在一起,互相启发.


Your rationale is a few paragraphs explaining why you are a multidisciplinary studies major, 你想学什么 in the process of taking the courses in your course list, and how you see the courses you are proposing taking being linked together and motivated.

For the rest of your life, many people will ask you “Why did you chose 多学科研究?或“这是什么意思??你会从亲戚、朋友和潜在雇主那里听到这个问题. 给他们一个好的答案是至关重要的. If the best you can do is mumble and say “well it seemed like a good idea at the time” they will not be favorably impressed by you. Your rationale is a chance to begin practicing how to give a good answer that you can be proud of to these very basic questions that you will hear a lot.

首先坐下来,诚实地思考这些问题. 你为什么要选择多学科研究bc菠菜导航, 而不是英语, 或业务, 或者是生命科学bc菠菜导航? 你的动机是什么?? What can multidisciplinary studies do that other programs cannot quite accomplish, in your case?

Many people who ask you this question will be a little skeptical about the value of your degree. 他们知道什么是英语学位, 或者是一个企业, 或者是生命科学学位, 以及它们的好处. 但他们不太确定什么是多学科研究学位. Find a way of explaining how YOUR multidisciplinary studies plan hangs together and makes sense.

One thing you must do is develop a brief title for the concentration you are proposing. When you graduate your diploma and transcripts will say that your degree is in “multidisciplinary studies: XXX”, 其中XXX是你选择的任何简短的标题.      

Once you have thought carefully through the issues, write a few paragraphs to explain your proposal. 你可能需要总结,你会发现你以后需要经常这样做. 基本原理是练习将你的论点浓缩成简短的要点. Feel free to edit your rationale several times until it says just exactly what you what it to say, 尽可能的简洁和雄辩.

一定要说明你如何看待你的课程之间的联系, 你想学什么, 以及你选择这门课的动机. You may want to discuss why some other obvious major is not a better choice for you than multidisciplinary studies. 


 1 .专注:宗教研究

         我希望在完成学业后进入牧师工作.  我计划本科毕业后去神学院, 但我还不确定要去哪个神学院.  不幸, ISU不提供宗教研究学位, 或者其他能真正满足职前学生目标的学位.

         So I decided to design my own concentration in 多学科研究 that would combine the thing I think I am going to need to learn to do well in the Seminary, 后来成为了一名牧师.  我选修了一些哲学课程, 以及ISU开设的两门宗教课程, 因为有人告诉我,这些东西可以帮助我为神学院做准备.  I am also taking a few courses in social work and in psychology (including the 心理学 of Religion), 因为我想当上牧师后会需要这些.  I have tried to also include a few classes on history as it relates to religion, 关于公开演讲.

         Even though these are courses from several different fields I feel that they are all interconnected by being things that a minister will need to know.  I hope to learn enough from these courses to be prepared for seminary and to be a good minister later in my career.

2 .专注:艺术和计算机科学

         I am hoping to work in computer animation or some other area of computer art (such as webpage design) after finishing my degree.  我觉得要做好这件事, and be attractive to potential employers I will need to have skills and credentials related to both art and computing.  我可以拿到平面设计的学位, 其中很多都与电脑的使用无关, 但我想把计算机科学更充分地融入到我的艺术中, 并专注于动画而不是传统的以文本为导向的图形设计.  我不能在学校呆太长时间,把两个bc菠菜导航都修完, 甚至主修平面设计, 同时尽可能多地学习我认为需要的计算机科学课程.  事实上,一些必修课只在冲突时间教授.  However I can afford to stay long enough to get a minor in Art and one in 计算机科学.  I feel that this will be acceptable, even attractive to future employers in by desired field.

         There is a little course work here that shows directly the overlaps between the fundamental issues of art and graphics design, 以及图形设计在电子界面上的工作方式, 如第451条或cs440条.  但这些联系一直存在于我的脑海中.  意大利艺术家的作品和思想, Aldo Giorgini has been especially influential to my thinking on the connections between art and computing and in my person decision to pursue this as a career.  Art and computers really are connected in that computers are one of the central mediums by which we experience our world and more specifically our visual world today.  I hope that by taking this 课程一览表 I will develop enough skills in graphical art and enough overall background in art, 成为一个有能力和可雇用的艺术家, 并且对作为媒介的计算机有足够的熟悉, 在电脑上做我的艺术.


Your course list defines which courses will count as courses in your major for you. 和其他bc菠菜导航一样, 你还需要完成基础学习的要求, 如果你想获得文学学士学位,还需要至少两年的外语学习. For each course, list the course number, the course title, and the number of credit hours. 你的课程列表必须:




4)      Your proposed 课程一览表 should clearly match your well-thought out rationale and motivations. Make sure you can justify which courses you have on the list in terms of your rationale and motivation.  同样的, if there is a course that is offered regularly at ISU that clearly relates to your rationale, 那么这门课应该列在你的课程清单上

5)      If the course list you have designed is too close to some already existing major, your proposal is likely to be denied and you will be encouraged to take that major instead. Multidisciplinary studies is for situations where other existing major do not really meet the needs or learning goals of the student.



  • MST 401: MST的顶点课程
  • 105年菲尔: 逻辑入门- 3
  • 101年菲尔: 哲学导论
  • 201年菲尔: 伦理学与美好生活
  • 302年菲尔: 医学伦理学-3
  • 313年菲尔: 宗教哲学-3
  • 333年菲尔: 医学哲学-3
  • 339年菲尔: 东方哲学-3
  • 202年通信: 公共演讲-3
  • 311年通信: 人际沟通-3
  • 490年心理学: 宗教心理学- 3
  • Sowk 130: 社会福利领域概论- 3
  • Sowk 240: 家庭及儿童福利
  • Rel 190: 《宗教概论
  • 442年历史: 战争、宗教和文化

总: 45小时,21小时

2 .艺术和计算机科学

  • MST 401: MST的顶点课程
  • 101年艺术: 绘图- 3
  • 102年艺术: 二维和彩色- 3
  • 104年艺术: 3-D - 3
  • 170年艺术: 艺术导论- 3
  • 271年艺术: 艺术史概览1 -3
  • 272年艺术: 艺术史概览II -3
  • 351年艺术: 中级计算机艺术- 3
  • 451年艺术: 高级计算机艺术- 3
  • CS 170: Web编程- 3
  • CS 256: 结构化设计原则- 3
  • CS 258: 数据结构- 3
  • CS 320: Java软件开发- 3
  • CS 361: 小型系统软件开发- 3
  • CS 440: 图形编程- 3
  • CS 452: 软件工程- 3
  • CS 479: Web编程II -3

总: 51小时,21小时


填写多学科研究集中建议表. Double check that your 目的陈述书 and course list make sense together and clearly support each other. 编辑并再次检查. 提交所有填妥的表格到多学科研究,HH 291.