Let’s not teach towards the test

Monday, May 14, 2018 - 10:52

印度企业家面临的最大障碍是对教育的态度. There is little room for the outliers

“Why hasn’t India built its own Google or 脸谱网?” That’s a question perennially asked in technology circles. In other words, when will this country — which is rich in highly trained software engineers, 英语 language skills, with such an entrepreneurial spirit, 有了广阔的市场,就有条件打造一家全球科技企业?

印度拥有肥沃的科技生态系统所需的许多基本要素. 它的年轻人比世界上任何其他国家都多——多达6亿人——超过一半的人口在25岁以下,三分之二的人口在35岁以下. 到本十年末,它将培养出世界上最多的毕业生, the second-highest number of STEM (science, technology, engineering, 每年工程学毕业生的数量是美国和中国的两倍.

Indian talent is thriving around the world, 输出国家软实力,展示国家在技术方面的领先优势. Fifteen per cent of Silicon Valley startups are founded by Indians, and many Indians have reached senior management positions in US tech firms, including Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO.

Right ingredients

印度庞大的人口和就业机会的短缺创造了一个竞争环境,需要精力和主动性——企业家的两个基本品质. Access to investor finance has also improved dramatically since around 2010. 旧的假设认为印度破旧的基础设施使创业变得困难,这种假设已经过时了. Digital India has performed well; and the revolutionary Aadhaar digital identity and payments infrastructure beats any international competitor.

技术成功的真正障碍是文化上的而不是物质上的,是内部的而不是外部的. There needs to be a transformation, particularly among middle-class parents, on what is considered a successful career. The weight of expectation falls on young people to become either engineers, 医生或会计师——这些职业能给他们的家庭带来声望和安全感——而不是冒险但可能回报更大的企业家之路.

在上周的达沃斯论坛上,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)表示,他希望年轻的印度人成为工作的提供者,而不是求职者. 目前, 甚至那些进入科技行业的人也更愿意为谷歌(Google)或微软(Microsoft)等雇主工作,而不是自己创业. 来自印度管理学院艾哈迈达巴德分校的数据显示,在其383名毕业生中,有近一半(46名)是女性.5 per cent) pursued careers in finance or consulting. Only eight opted to start a business.

Change we must

创建一家有远见的公司需要勇气,并愿意将经济回报推迟到未来很久. Most importantly, 它要求你忽视那些不断告诉你放弃梦想、安于事业的声音. 印度社会没有给予走在这条艰难道路上的企业家足够的支持.

也许企业家面临的最大障碍是印度人对教育的态度. Though education is revered, 它被视为重要的,因为它是通往名牌大学的门户, which will eventually lead to a prestigious, established profession. 教育被视为通往稳定工作的第一梯级,而不是其激发创造力的能力, critical thinking and knowledge for its own sake.

This utilitarian attitude also distorts subject choices: liberal arts, which are seen as less useful for a career, are treated far less seriously than the sciences. 然而, 创建一家成功的科技企业往往需要横向思维和对人类行为的洞察力——这些技能既需要人文学科的磨练,也需要科学的磨练.

著名的, 乔布斯声称苹果麦金塔电脑的设计中最重要的元素是他在里德学院(一所文理学院)上的一门书法课程. 脸谱网, Snapchat, Instagram和推特既归功于技术创新,也归功于社会学洞察力.

乔布斯的经历表明,灵感来自于给学生一些自由,让他们追求自己的求知欲——这与印度盛行的“应试教学”正好相反. With India ranking 94th in the world for creative outputs, according to the 2016 Global Innovation Index, Indian education must take the liberal arts more seriously.

印度的教育必须学会为异类留出空间:创业环境需要自由思想者的眼光. 那些感到被传统教育扼杀的年轻人面临着让父母失望的额外压力. (我是那种不安分、注意力不集中、八年级和十二年级不及格的学生。). 在教育体系中,对成功如此狭隘的定义可能是有害的,因为它会侵蚀年轻人的自信——这是每个企业家都需要的品质.

Nurture entrepreneurs

然而, much is changing in India for the better. The Indian tech diaspora, 沉浸在硅谷的文化中,了解全球成功所需的知识, are returning home and applying their knowledge. 维贾伊•谢卡尔•夏尔马(Vijay Shekhar Sharma)和维诺德•科斯拉(Vinod khoslaa)等一代印度清洁生活科技企业家,因其经济上的成功而被提升为英雄, civic-mindedness; and because, beneath it all, their work depends on hallowed science skills. This, in turn, is slowly changing parental attitudes.

在我们的学校和整个媒体中讨论和展示这些来自传统职业之外的榜样是很重要的. 印度Nayi Soch节目的TED Talks在收视率上取得了巨大成功,这是一个由宝莱坞明星沙鲁克汗(Shah Rukh Khan)主持的节目,介绍了正在利用新趋势的企业家. It is being viewed by tens of millions each week.

印度准备创建一个全球科技巨头的最大迹象将不仅仅是人们熟悉的投资率或互联网速度指标,而是印度社会何时找到更好的方式来培养其企业家. 到那时,全国越来越多的年轻学生——从有学术天赋的到非传统的——将得到必要的支持和鼓励,激励他们打造印度的全球科技企业.

The writer is CEO and co-founder of Blippar

Published on March 01, 2018

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